Monday, September 24, 2012

SQUEEZING JUICE FROM THE ROAD part 3 real angelfire

CONTINUING MY SOLITARY TRAVELS:  Taos, NM ---my friend Jim Jailette has done so great a photographic job of capturing this unique town---that I will just refer you to one of his recent posts:

If you didn't click on it---I will at least give you a glimpse of its style.  This is half of the main square.
The other half---almost.  I can't imagine how rich I would have to be to spend a night here for $250? (that's disrespect for what $250 will buy (maybe it's more I didn't ask) I just flashed on a situation long ago when I was motorcycling cross country and happened to have $15,000 cash in my pocket--I pitched my tent for the night in high grass outside a Motel rather than waste money.  That's how I have managed to live free and travel for 30 plus years.
Taos people know they've got something special here---touches like this are everywhere---makes the town memorable.  But OOOOh sweet people---the real foundation of this art mecca was a most remarkable woman:  Mabel Dodge Luhan---a cultural and sexual whirlwind---read about her:
 And appreciate the fact that PERSONALITY IS FUNDAMENTAL ---to great enterprises.
A hula hoop crossing?? Look at this carefully----I did---Never seen one like it---didn't seem to be fake. I spent the night in a parking lot just two blocks from the central square.
Then on to Angle fire, NM---I have promised to show you the real thing.  This is not it---This is a one man inspired and built---memorial to his son---and all others slain in the Vietnam War.  Beautiful and touching. 
Inside ---a tiny triangular chapel. 
 Then on to Eagle Nest State Park To rejoin my friends.  Mark and Ginger come out to welcome me. You may recall their magnificent Bluebird Motor home behind them.
 Dinner together---perfect---leaving the glories of solitude for the warmth of friendly connection---exactly as I envisioned it 8 months ago.
 And now---sweet readers---I show you the real Angel Fire----a sky phenomenon that happens here with some frequency---due perhaps to the mountain/cloud/elevation/orientation.
(shot by Andrea on her cell phone)
RANDY PHILOSOPHIZES:   I've enjoyed my solitary travel ---think it's the best way to move.  Even when traveling with  companion vehicles--- each should be alone---free to stop on impulse---without explanation.  Connecting later at a designated spot is a bit of sweetness also.  Yes, I know there is a slight safety factor traveling tandem---but trust me--It isn't worth the hassle.  And anyway---we're usually connected by phone if we need assistance.
As this is the terminus point of our Quest For Community Caravan---I have debriefed some of our members and will soon share their insights. 

Friday, September 21, 2012


"To look up or down no road but it stretches and waits for you.
To know the universe itself as a road----as many roads---
As roads for traveling souls"   (Whitman)

Like this one. (hwy 64 to Taos) waits for you.  I love this flat plateau--not least because it has attracted clever hippies and other lifestyle engineers.  To the left and right for the next 5 miles---back-to-the-land pioneers have established themselves on a dry desolate (inexpensive) landscape to build their chosen lifestyle.
Many have constructed what I first judged to be a fortress---but later learned that it is a fence to keep the chickens in and coyotes out.
Artistic fantasies like this stand incomplete or abandoned---but I salute the vision.
Some 5 miles further along---fairyland castles appear---a vast field of them---each seemingly more grand than the next.  Here is the engineering and legal breakthrough that reverberates round the world.
RECYCLED materials---EARTH INSULATED----SOLAR POWERED----WATER SELF SUFFICIENT-----SCEPTICALLY SELF CONTAINED.  Pioneer visionaries fought for and won the code variances that make their construction legal.
My Favorite----Oh I would like to know the imaginative soul that envisioned this.
Castle under construction---beer can and concrete walls.
Late evening finds me at the famous high bridge over the Rio Grande.  I'll stay the night.
A well managed, generous, (allows overnight parking) rest area---that asks for feedback. I pushed the yes button.
RANDY PHILOSOPHIZES: To squeeze the juice from the road, one needs a JUICER----A RIG
of some sort---As I have Poetized in a longer poem: "A FULL SET OF STUFF"
.........Well, you get my point---this full set of stuff
is all I need to smoothe the rough.
I can cook, eat, wash my hair
watch TV or make repair,
sleep, bathe, read or dig
with just the stuff in this small rig.
Where tourist gaze and rush away,
This traveler parks and stays the day.
Down back roads by lazy brooks
I take a nap or read my books;
chase the wind, drift and roam;
let night overtake me everywhere home.
Live my life in a thousand places;
share myself with a thousand faces;
drink in life till I've had enough;
thanks to my rig and a full set of stuff.
Tomorrow I will pick up the story in part 3---Taos and Eagle Nest.


Thursday, September 20, 2012


"Each man and each woman of you, I lead upon a knoll.
 My left hand hooks you round the waist
my right hand points to landscapes of continents
and a plain public road.
Not I or anyone else can travel that road for you,
You must travel it for yourself.
It is not far---it is within reach.
Perhaps you have been on it since you were born and did not know.
Perhaps it is everywhere on water and on land.
Shoulder your duds, and I will mine and let us hasten forth.
Wonderful cities and free nations we shall fetch as we go."  (Walt Whitman) 

It's time to leave this beautiful Lake---I've been here 3 weeks----feel the urge for some solitary travel---make arrangements to meet my companions in Eagle Nest, NM.

Life is lived in moments---and before I go-- reflect on some of them here.  A fearless little girl picks up a snake in danger of being run over---takes him to the safety of the bushes.
A proud fisherman shows off his catch.
A kind and gentle vet puts a friend's suffering dog to "sleep".  I witnessed the whole proceedure and wished that my passing would be as humane.
Another touching moment in Chama, NM:  Man collapsed---medical personnel attend him---my companion immediately stops to pray for him.
My oldest friend---Bushrod---brings his boat to the lake and takes us sailing.
That's Wayne Wirs up front---an expert at enjoying moments.
A visit to the famous 3 Ravens Coffeehouse in Tierra Amarillo.  Paul--the owner--on Bass.
And then---as easily as I came---I left---choosing scenic route 64 across the high country.
In 15 miles I will climb 3000 feet.
Up where everything is cool and beautiful.
And then---and then---I saw this.
And a mile ahead----this.
And a mile ahead---this.  Of course I got the story--I think---- (they kept jogging as they explained)
This is an Indian initiated relay run to Guadalupe?
Then down from the pass to this (famous?) intersection.  My mind flashes on the many times I have been here---a different person each time. Across that road---I know---begins a landed counterculture that has influenced the nation.  I will show you when I pick up the story (tomorrow?)
RANDY REFLECTS:   Moments like the rivers will
brush us by---then down the hill.
I let them go--- without delay-----

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


They stormed our embassy---killed our people---the crazy Islamic fanatics in Libya.  A very great evil.
Millions will deplore their action---and--(verbally) hack away at this BRANCH of evil that grew out of the tree of Islam.  Very few, however,  will hack away at the ROOT of the evil:  ISLAM itself.  But that is exactly what I wish to do.

A billion or so people believe that God sent an angel to dictate the Koran to Mohammed.
A billon or so people, therefore, believe it to be the infallible word of God.
A billion or so people are thereby captured by its 7th century ethics and vision of the world.
They wish to convert us all.  They wish to impose theocratic government everywhere---supress women--kill homosexuals---install sharia law---and God knows what else.

DO YOU SEE THE ROOT OF THE PROBLEM?  BELIEF IN THE KORAN. (believing that God sends messages)  Let us hack away at THAT  root---quit believing that God sends messages. (Believe---if you must---that there is a God----just quit believing in MESSAGES from God--Inspired authoritative books--and your personal religion will not likely turn crazy.)

Muslims---like Christians, Mormons, Jews, Hindus---INDOCTRINATE their children---and children are programed to believe their parents--- that is how religions persist.
Some people, however, (as high as 20 % in the US) seriously question their indoctrination and CAST OFF their indoctrination or modify it.

People who seriously question their indoctrination often discover a daunting truth:  THERE IS NO (written) ABSOLUTE TRUTH.  That existence is a mystery and the best we can do is TEMPORIZE with THEORIES. They then live life with a more open mind---hopefully tweaking their personal theories as new insights come.  Serious questioners are  heroes-- hacking at the roots of evil---(BELIEF WITHOUT EVIDENCE.) These golden people develop what no Muslim on earth has---A TOLERANCE FOR AMBIGUITY.