Let's cross this bridge? Recognize it? Two of the great ones in America----spanning the infamous "Tacoma Narrows". RIGHT HERE ---something remarkable happened--click here to see--
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-zczJXSxnw --I'll wait.

Travel past THREE aircraft carriers anchored side by side in Bremmerton, Wa. No! that's not the supertown. Super is not about size---except at Mc Donalds.

---and settle in with me at an Elks Lodge in the countryside-- My humble trailer nestled between giant rigs---owned by friendy ladies-- Karin to my left and Dodi to my right. That's Pauls' 5th wheel rig to her right. All told, a dozen showed up. (How will I attract a lady with so diminutive a rig?---I don't know---but I do have my eye on a large combo house/horse trailer with lots of room and still possessing stealth)

Off we go to super town---on the bike trail--passing this gentleman on a recumbent version---super comfortable to ride.

---terrific bike trail ---an old railroad bed with a marvelous view.

But wait! A boat yard with lots of world travelers---with stories! I'll mosey aroud here awhile.

Here's one---another codger with a codger boat older than himself. (75 years--all wood)--requires a yearly haul out and re paint. He and his wife--topside--love this old tub.

This one has sailed the south seas. It's also very old--but fit.

----as you can see! It is here for the annual---4th largest in the world--wooden boat show.

But oops! This one dragged anchor during stiff winds last night---spoke to the owner---not distressed---the tide will refloat it---no serious damage done.

I've not revealed the super city yet--have I---nor even showed it to you. I was distacted enroute as I often am---will show it---tomorrow or next day---with an explanation--why it is super. Here's the ferry which may give you a clue. I've been on the road 35 years and boondocked 8000 plus nights--visiting many many cities and towns---and I'm prepared to reveal a half dozen or so supercities--along with this one-- I also promise to reveal to you two evil cities and one that has blood on its hands that besmirches it to this very day.
I love it. Your rig between those mega dollar rigs. Don't forget Port Gamble there is lots of money there. I was hoping you would keep coming up I-5 so I could meet up with you. If you need any info about where to boondock or other info, more than willing to help.
From Tacoma across the (free) bridge then pictures of the naval yard... Heading north. I'd make a guess but what fun is that? I like surprises.
I am interested in your supercities and the nasty ones. It's good to know what to avoid.
I'm looking forward to your next installment!
"How will I attract a lady with so diminutive a rig?"
Any woman who doesn't appreciate how optimized and clever your rig is, is not worth your notice in the first place.
Stick with a winner.
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