Saturday, March 26, 2016


CB HAD A VISION: "Lets settle in at the Slabs for the month of February; post a national invite for friends to join us; immerse ourselves in its culture; see what we learn; what we might contribute; how we might relate with a spontaneously assembled "tribe".  I said yes! So we did!  Here's a report:
Entering the Slabs--don't know how or why that guy is up there.
Side view from a distance of rigs parked at the Slabs---on the remains of an old marine base.
I estimate 300 people were here during Feb.

I settle in among about 30 LOW (Loners on Wheels) members.
CB settles his splendid Airstream on a nearby sand hill.

Folks began to arrive in response to his electronic invitation.(Facebook, etc)
We decided to meet every day for a sundown ceremony.
Folks amble in like Eugene, a bright, congenial talented singer/songwriter
Pish comes in dressed formally; a dramatic interesting addition to our group.

Brilliant sunsets almost every day.  We developed a ritual of "checking in"---telling how our day went.
Sometimes in the mornings we would walk.
Super Bowl Sunday--CB engineered a giant screen TV for us.
We began our mornings usually at this nearby social club. CB and I officially joined it.
Benefits include coffee, internet, interesting company.
Myself on the left--then "Hollywood Bob" more about him here  ( a friendly lady then CB and a friendly guy at morning Oasis.
All sorts of people show up--kids, hippies, dogs.
I've forgotten this guy's name but he was a brilliant conversationalist and a good musician.

The Oasis club displayed a touching sense of occasion on Feb 14th.

Games, prizes etc.Note that skirted lady barely visible on the left.

It isn't a lady--It is Doc--a fixture at the Slabs who prefers to wear dresses--is an elected member of the Slab Council.  The broad, non judgmental tolerance here is astonishing.

Meet Builder Bill who earned his name by building things--most notably the famous RANGE theater featured in the movie INTO THE WILD. He performs and hosts a show every saturday night.
He seems to be the central personality around which much of the Slabs personnel orients itself.
In ancient Israel he would have been called a Judge.
He made space for me to perform at Saturday nights show.  A startling surprise occurred--but more about that in part 2

Friday, March 11, 2016


In this book I've collected 100 of my best poems.
Thanks to two wonderful friends Kim Raines    and Bob Pearson my poems are availabe to the public.

Click here for the Amazon download version  (read a few pages for free) (or download the whole thing for a dollar)

Kim designed this lovely cover for the Amazon Kindle version.
Kim and I parked at Sandia Casino where this project took off.

Bob (Hollywood) Pearson prepared this cover for the Blurb printed version. The contents are the same.
Here's Bob as he appears on his web site: