Contacted Neighbors: Here's the prequel: She lived for years in a tent nearby with her cats. AND THEN---AND THEN: THE CASINO OPENED AND NOW PAYS HER $2,000 A MONTH AS HER SHARE. DESPITE THAT SHE'S NOT PAID HER RENT----AND THOSE CATS!!!!! THEY'VE HAD IT WITH HER.
Contacted tribal officials: YES $2,000 a month for every man woman and child in the tribe. (under 18, the money is put in trust. at 18 they get it all) Some handle their money well--BUT--one teenager blew her $80,000 in two weeks. I'm incredulous at these numbers, so I dig deeper.
Here's what I learned:
1. This casino, one of two that the tribe owns, has over 1400 machines plus table games.
2. Other tribes, less strategically located, can give their allotment of machines to this tribe for a cut of the profits.
3. This one casino earns, on average, $1,000,000 (that's one million) dollars A DAY!
4. The tribe has embarked on an intense Land buying program of adjacent properties.
5. They buy all that they are allowed. Seems the state has mandated a limit.
6. Once purchased, the land is considered part of the reservation and is non taxable.
I drive away thinking: Way-to-go you clever people! Cash in on our stupidity! Buy back America and evict us. THESE ARE NOT THE SAME INDIANS WHO SOLD MANHATTEN FOR $24 worth of trinkets.
The welfare checks, going to the tribal members, are a bargain to the taxpayer, compared to the ones going to the current tribe in Manhattan.
Geez - thanks for digging into this drama. You leave us with more questions though. Not that they are important questions, just that the story took a very different turn and never concluded! My curiousity can easily be diverted - ce la vie!
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