Monday, August 16, 2010


This pilot lady (mistakenly) thought she owed me a favor.
So she flew her plane several hundred miles
To this lovely little town--Thompson Falls, Montana.
To join me at the airport where I'd settled in
And take me off on a grand adventure up this beautiful valley.
Out to the middle of that lake---(Flathead Lake--largest west of the Mississippi)---then up and over those mountains--
To this little known pilot hideaway in the wilderness--a landingstrip maintained by the forestry service for fire fighting purposes.
Feels delicious to be in the middle of nowhere.
A weather front prompted us to make camp for the night---she astonished me with the emergency equipment she pulled from her plane---all the comforts of good living--including food.
So we settled in for the day and night
And explored our area--Named Spotted Bear---splashed about in this river. Oh sweet people--it comforts my mind to know that places like this--free and wild--still exist--and are carefully protected by the citizens of Montana. I detected a benevolent conspiracy by everyone in this state to preserve its wilderness areas.
Ah, but I have only begun to share this experience with you--tomorrow I will dazzle you with a lovely surprise---did you notice the cage on the picnic table?


Anonymous said...

Randy, you are one lucky dog. The photos are beautiful! Just think - if you had money you wouldn't do half the things you do. It pays to be broke.

Sondra said...

Awesome--I think I know that wonderful Flying Lady...not personally but thru the blogsphere, I recognize her Plane!!
What a lucky guy you are!!
I saw the cage and I am very curious if you brought something to release or plan to bring something back..
Cant wait to see what it is.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful adventures! I'm in suspense over the cage. Maureen

Lynn said...

I'm soooo jealous!!