Sunday, July 01, 2012


OR CONNECTED??---WITH ONE OTHER??---WITH SEVERAL OTHERS??---TEMPORARILY?---PERMANENTLY??  -------We are experimenting to find the best blend of options.  Here's  a look at some highlights of our recent stops---to illustrate how connection---of some kind---can enrich.

One member of our tribe knew where the free/beautiful/cool was----Boonie----and he led us to the mountains---at 9,200 ft elevation---Here's what happens to frito bags at that altitude.

Then other members drifted in.  Here's Laurie driving in from some distant solitary adventure.
And from Yuma/flagstaff--this whopper of a rig rolls in. It's Mark and Ginger in their classic BLUEBIRD.

One of our traditions is a 6 o'clock walk together.

And tea time together--afterwards. Wanna see inside the Bluebird?
Begowned and booted ladies-----preparing---

This!! Life is good.

One day Mark shares his electricity so I can cut my hair with my FLOW BEE.
(you know---that device advertised on TV.  Sucks your hair up into a precisely calibrated cutter)
Another day Boonie and Lyn invent a brand-new table. (She had no decent place to work or eat)
Here it is completed---they let me try it out---it's perfect--good job guys!
On another day I need medical attention---need the stitches removed from my recent surgery---(these were the permanent kind) --certainly not willing to drive back to Mexico.  Peg handles the job like an expert. 
On still another day Laurie while wandering alone in the woods---finds this local historian ---and brings him back to us---he has stories----we draw up our chairs and listen.
On still another day Ginger plays for us a philosophical/metaphysical CD---as a springboard to discussion.

I remind myself that (almost) the entire animal world clusters temporarily together for the assortment of benefits it provides. 

Are you beginning to get the drift of this entry?  Life can be infinitely richer when we connect in a meaningful way. And speaking of which---here is a brand-new connection initiated by Boonie---the beginning perhaps of a new tribe--- focused on adventurous exercise. I'm delighted that so soon--we have our first spin off tribe. If our vision holds true---then many other special interest groups will "spin off." My ultimate hope is that our modest project will prove so satisfying that it will go viral--and evolve. For more info on Boonie's idea:

RANDY PHILOSOPHIZES:  I believe that we all want to belong to some sort of tribe.  That a mobile/frugal/free/smart/temporary/caring/evolving one can deliver ENORMOUS benefits to its members as I hope I have illustrated above.  Our "people" wander off on solitary journeys and rejoin us at will.  I remind my readers that you are welcome to connect with us wherever we are and to consider joining us.  We are now at Bluewater Lake State Park, NM

P.S. Thanks to Wayne Wirs: for helpful insights:


Unknown said...

I like to travel and camp with others. That's for sure. Hope to see ya'all out there one day.

BlackSheep said...

I rather enjoy and often embrace my solitude. When in situations where I am around several people, I feel unbelievable happiness when I can retreat to my 6 x 14 piece of heaven to be ALONE!

Randy said...

Black Sheep: You've nailed it exactly----Society PLUS solitude. The huge advantage of mobile community is that each can retreat to his rig to enjoy blessed aloneness. The circle of friends from which to withdraw is a necessary part of the happiness equation---in my opinion. Total loners----die spiritually in my opinion.

Randy said...

Kenny: I hope this blog and others inspire and persuade you that the free/frugal/mobile/connected lifestyle is eminently possible---not recklessly jumped into but carefully tapered into with planning and wisdom. We will welcome you into good company when you come. Do you know about vandwellers blog?

DaveUlmer said...

I am a loner boondocker because I have real technical research to do in order to benefit society in the future. Having other people around now would only stall my progress.

My social network is on the Internet.


Randy said...

Hi Dave: Because I camped with you for a month some years ago---I believe you. My readers may recognize your name as the inventor of the world-wide recreation game called GEOCACHING that millions enjoy. I have some notion of the project you are working on and wish you would share the link where you outline it on youtube. If you succeed the whole world will be more than amused.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you all are having a fine time! Society plus solitude in the balance befitting each individual - that's what I like.

The Bright's said...

We LOVE our Solitude... which makes us ENJOY a few hours here and there socializing... which in turn makes us enjoy our solitude once again.