A Christian couple walked by---saw her distress---and walked on by.
A Mormon guy walked by---expressed some curiosity---and went on his way.
My friend and I came by---curious what was in the shopping cart.
looked----did nothing
It held a mother dog and 6 puppies---born just last night.
She wanted to borrow a phone. Someone lent her one. A cab appeared.
She stuffed her few possessions and the dogs inside and disappeared---leaving the cart behind.
We all breathed a sigh of relief---she was gone---someone else's problem now.
That very day a tiny dog fell into a canal and was being swept along--in danger of drowning. Both Brad and I rushed to the rescue. He got there first and saved it.
RANDY PHILOSOPHIZES: Oh sweet readers---I'm in shame and perplexity---I DIDN'T DO A DAMNED THING TO HELP THE LADY----saw her as a major pain in the ass---needy beyond reason-- angry--probably druggy---likely neurotic----with emotional and physical baggage that would strain my charitable impulses. Yeah---she was a basket case for sure----AND SO WAS THE GUY IN JESUS' PARABLE OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN. Why was I so willing to rescue the dog and so reluctant to help the lady?
(the dog was easier)
Fate put this lady on my "doorstep" and I did nothing. I should have to answer for that. Who should rescue this Lady? In urgent situations---like the dog---whoever can--- should act. In basket cases, I maintain she is EVERYBODY'S responsibility. We need a social safety net that should reach out and care for her AT A REASONABLE COST to society----like we reach out to the winos on the street in severely cold weather.
Personal and private intervention --- welcome as it is---is not enough---is inconsistent. Only institutional charity will work.